Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just Say Sorry

You know what the best part about having a friend is?

When you know you screwed up, just walk up to your friend, and with an honest heart tell them that you were a jerk, that you're thoroughly and extremely sorry and promise to learn from your mistake and never repeat it.

At times, it can be difficult to take the first step towards your friend, given the dinosaur-sized egos that humans normally have; but, just take in a deep breath and let go.

If your friend truly does understand you, they'll know that you mean every word of your apology. And that is the greatest test of your friendship; you having the courage to apologise, and them having the strength and purity to forgive.


Himanshu Jain said...

And then there are times when you don't even realize your mistake and The Friend forgives you without an apology

Shekhar said...

nerd in beta: Now that's the hallmark of a great friend.

On a parallel note, I guess that is why in some religions you have a day for asking for forgiveness from everyone you know. The logic goes that you ask them for forgiveness for whatever mistakes they've unknowingly made and haven't apologised for in the past year.