Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hector Ruiz's father's advice

Just watched this video on TED. This is the first time I've heard Hector Ruiz, the head of AMD, and I like the way he talks about his two passions in life, children and education. In fact, his rise from modest beginnings reminded me of our very own Subroto Bagchi of MindTree Consulting.

I particularly liked the way he ended his speech by talking about how his father inspired him to constantly improve. He says his father used to tell him that for mankind to move ahead, every generation must do better than the previous one. So, when Hector went to college, his father advised him to do well. Later on in life, when he was getting married, his father reminded him of the old advice and told him that now he must be a better husband than what his father was. A few years down the line, when Hector became a dad, his dad just walked up to him and reminded him the same thing; that he must now become a better father than what his father was.

Simple, yet sagacious.

P.S. Kinda busy these days, so posts might be sporadic. I do plan to get regular in a few days and also plan to update the blogroll and the links on the right.

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